Tons of Funk (w/ The Funkadactyls) vs Real Americans (w/ Zeb Colter)
Brodus chops Cesaro and scoops slams him, then Tensai assists him with a tandem chop before he hits him in the corner and takes him down with a monkey flip. Tensai throws him in the corner but Cesaro avoids a splash, then he tags out and Swagger chopblocks Tensai's knee and elbows it. Swagger hits a Swagger Bomb and Cesaro makes the blind tag, leapfrogging over Swagger and double stomping Tensai before making a pin attempt. He hits Tensai a few times before hitting a gutwrench slam for two, then he sends Tensai into the corner but Tensai fights back with some punches. Tensai snaps Cesaro's head on the ropes and knocks Swagger down, then Brodus tags in and hits an exploder suplex and a corner splash. Brodus suplexes Cesaro but Swagger breaks it the pin, then Brodus throws Swagger outside but Cesaro runs in and uppercuts Brodus before hitting the Neutralizer for the win.
Winner – Real Americans
Brie Bella vs Tamina Snuka (w/ AJ Lee)
Brie throws Tamina into the corner and kicks her, then she throws her on the floor and hits a Thesz press before Tamina comes back with a clothesline. Tamina throws her inside and knocks her back down, then she goes for a clothesline but Brie slides under and applies a half crab. Tamina breaks it and whips Brie with her jacket, then she applies a headlock and slams Brie's heads back on the mat. She suplexes Brie and gets a near fall, then she reapplies a headlock and knees Brie before whipping her in the corner. Brie knees her and hits a missile dropkick, then she hits a few more dropkicks before kneeing Tamina in the face. She heads up top and goes for a super facebuster, but Tamina blocks it and kicks her in the face for the win. Tamina picks up Brie and hits a Samoan drop after the bell, then the ref tries to wave her off but Tamina ignores his requests. Tamina hits a shoulder breaker and a Superfly splash, then AJ gets in the ring and puts Brie in the Black Widow until some referees pull them apart.
Winner – Tamina Snuka
Brad Maddox and Stephanie McMahon are watching the Goldberg DVD when Daniel Bryan runs into the office and gets in Stephanie's face about what just happened. Maddox tries to intervene but Stephanie says it's OK, then she says he shouldn't blame her and he should instead go tend to his fiancee.