WWE RAW Results (10/14) – Beat The Clock Challenge, Bryan vs Alberto, New Tag Team Champions

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come out and they say they've bailed out Big Show several times, but Show responded with insubordination and punched HHH in the mouth. Stephanie says they are pressing charges and taking everything from Show, and they reported HHH had a concussion but he's fine. She says he earned the names 'King of Kings' and 'The Game', and he ruled the Attitude Era but now he is ruling the next era. HHH says he has been in charge for two years, and he put aside all of his agendas to try and make the best WWE he could, knowing full well what would happen. He says he dealt with a walk out and arguing, but he reached his breaking point last week because he got knocked out and they all started a YES chant. 

HHH says he is painted a villain, so he will play that role, but they will see something they have never seen before, and he'll make everyone pay. He says Big Show, and everyone else who defies them will be dealt with, and they had better stop with the 'YES' chants, but Daniel Bryan comes out and just encourages them more. Alberto Del Rio comes out and attacks Bryan on the ramp, then he throws him towards the ring and superkicks him. Stephanie mocks Bryan and asks if he's finished, then she introduces Alberto as Bryan opponent for the night, and HHH mocks the fans with a YES chant.

Beat The Clock Challenge
Ryback (w/ Paul Heyman) vs R-Truth

Truth leaves the ring and plays to the crowd, then Ryback chases him around the ring so Truth dances in front of him and continues to run away. Truth rolls outside and back in, then he ducks a clothesline and kicks Ryback in the face before running outside, this time Heyman gets in his way. Heyman tells him to stop and Ryback clotheslines Truth from behind, then he rolls him in and gets a near fall before whipping him into the corner. Ryback rams him with his shoulder and hits a scoop slam, then he splashes him for a near fall and kicks him before Truth punches him back. Ryback knocks him down and gets a near fall, then he slams Truth back first into the turnbuckles and repeats it twice before making a pin attempt. Ryback goes for a scoop slam but Truth floats over, then Ryback slams him into the corner and goes for a reverse powerslam but Truth counters with a DDT. Truth gets a near fall and hits a top rope missile dropkick, then he goes for an axe kick but Ryback counters with Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner – Ryback (5:44)


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