WWE Night of Champions

WWE Night Of Champions Results (9/15) – All Titles Defended, Heyman Gets Unlikely Help, Bryan Wins In ‘Controversial’ Fashion?

Tag Team Turmoil
Tons of Funk vs The Usos vs Prime Time Players
vs 3MB (w/ Jinder Mahal) vs Real Americans (w/ Zeb Colter)

Brodus ducks a clothesline by Slater and slams him on the mat, then Tensai backs Slater into the ropes but Drew blindtags in as Slater runs outside. Tensai gives chase but Drew takes him out with a somersault dive, then he rolls Tensai in and goes for a cover. Tensai counters with a sunset flip attempt, then Drew hits him a few times but Tensai comes back with a corner rollup for the first fall. 3MB attack Tons of Funk as Real Americans make their entrance, then they leave as Cesaro chants ‘We the People’ to the crowd. We get back from a break to see Tensai reverse a suplex by Cesaro, then Brodus tags in and headbutts Cesaro before taking him down with a T-Bone suplex. Brodus splashes him in the corner and heads up top, and he connects with a big splash but Swagger breaks it up. Brodus goes for a scoop slam as Swagger blindtags in, and he covers Cesaro but Swagger puts him in the Patriot Lock and makes him tap out.

The Usos run out and knock Swagger and Cesaro outside, and they take each man out with dives to the floor before Jimmy hits a crossbody for two. Jimmy whips Cesaro and goes for a clothesline, but Cesaro throws him into the corner and Swagger helps him with a tandem side slam for a two count. Swagger applies an armbar but Jimmy punches him, then Swagger blocks a tag attempt before dragging Jimmy to his corner so Cesaro can stomp him. Swagger takes a cheap shot behind the referee’s back, then we get back from another commercial to see Jimmy leap off the top rope at Swagger below him. Swagger ducks and puts him in the Patriot Lock, getting him to tap before the final team, Prime Time Players, make their way out. Titus hits a few clotheslines and a fallaway slam, then Swagger tries to go back to the Patriot Lock but Young kicks him and throws Cesaro outside. Young finally gets a tag but Swagger puts him in the Patriot Lock, only to have Young kick him into the turnbuckles and hit Gut Check for the win.

Winners – Prime Time Players

Triple H comes out and says he’s not the villain people say he is, and he will do what’s best for business so no one will interfere in tonight’s WWE Championship match. HHH says that means no Big Show, no Shield, and they will have a great match so he hopes they are ready for tonight. Paul Heyman comes out with Curtis Axel and complains about HHH not calling him back, but HHH says he is falling apart and he looks like a wreck. Heyman briefly yells before apologizing for the outburst, then he says he respects HHH, but he made a big error in judgment but making him compete tonight. Heyman says CM Punk wants to beat him so badly that he doesn’t come back, and he is begging HHH to do what is best for business. (Cont’d…)


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