WWE Night of Champions

WWE Night Of Champions Results (9/15) – All Titles Defended, Heyman Gets Unlikely Help, Bryan Wins In ‘Controversial’ Fashion?

Orton hits some mounted punches and whips Bryan, but Bryan runs up the turnbuckles and clotheslines Orton before kicking him. Bryan kicks him several times and sends Orton outside, then he hits a suicide dive and rolls Orton in before hitting a top rope missile dropkick. Orton again heads outside so Bryan dives at him again, then Bryan goes for another dive to the floor but Orton hits him on the apron and DDT’s him. Orton waits as Bryan makes it back in at the ref’s nine count, then he calls for a RKO but Bryan shoves him back and Orton tries to avoid hitting the ref. Bryan inadvertently dropkicks Orton into the ref and tries to apply a YES Lock, but Orton counters with a powerslam as another ref runs out.

Orton sets up a hanging DDT but Bryan counters with the YES Lock, then Orton makes it to the ropes so Bryan kicks him in the head and goes for a dropkick. Orton dives away and hits Bryan in the corner, then Bryan breaks free and puts Orton in tree of woe position before kicking him several times in the chest. Bryan dropkicks him and sets up on the top turnbuckles, then he suplexes Orton and hits a top rope diving headbutt that gets a close near fall. The original ref gets back in and starts a count, then Bryan gets up and kicks Orton several times before Orton blocks a final kick and hits a T-Bone suplex. Orton lifts Bryan up but Bryan counters with a backslide, then he gets right up and knees Orton in the face and makes the cover.

Winner and NEW WWE Champion – Daniel Bryan

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WWE Night of Champions


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