JR Q&A: Thoughts on Chair Shots to the Head, Is He a Total Divas Fan?, PPV’s on Sundays

Jim RossJim Ross recently did a Q&A over on JRsBarBQ.com, and below are some highlights:

Reason why WWE PPV's air on Sunday:

"I'd assume that there is research to indicate that Sunday is the best night for WWE PPV's plus it is and has become a tradition that I don't see changing. Plus, it works well with the cable and satellite operators which is critical."

On Total Divas:

"I'm a big fan of Total Divas. It's nicely done. The away from the arena content is entertaining."

On Chair Shots to the Head:

"Chair shots to the head are a thing of the past one would hope. Really stupid to execute such in today's concussed aware society. Chairs to the back are much less destructive and damaging over the long haul."


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