jJohn Morrison WWE Return

John Morrison/WWE Return, Cena Talks “Tough Crowd” At Raw

John Morrison was a recent guest on Ring Rust Radio and had the following to say about returning to the WWE at some point in the future: 

“My impression is that the door is open. I originally got into wrestling because it was my first love, since I was a little kid it was what I wanted to do. And I still haven’t found anything quite as cool as wrestling… It’s something I’m going to get back to. The other question was is a return immanent, and I don’t know.

I’m shuffling through a bunch of things and I have a bunch of things that I want to accomplish in the movie biz before I go back to wrestling full time. Once you’re on that full-time schedule, you don’t really have control of your own time. But I am definitely coming back at some point.”

Cena on Fan Reaction at Monday Night Raw

John Cena posted the following tweet regarding the live crowd reaction he got during his farewell speech on Monday Night Raw: