WWE RAW Results (8/19) – John Cena’s Announcement, Punk Fights Axel, Orton’s Championship Coronation

HHH says they have him wrong because he likes Daniel Bryan, and he thinks he's a good wrestler and he earned a win over John Cena last night. He says he'll be honest, Bryan can't be WWE Champion and the face of the company, and they deserve better than that and they deserve an A+ guy. HHH says he gave them A+ last night, then he says he can't believe Bryan took it personally because he definitely has issues with all of it. HHH says it hurt him to do that to Bryan last night, and he didn't want to throw away Bryan's hard work, but they should look at the guy who he worked with. He says he buried all of his hate and bitterness for Randy Orton because it's good for business, and he says Bryan making this personal is just selfish.

HHH says he should check his ego because it's about the fans, then he introduces the 'coal who became the diamond', your new WWE Champion, Randy Orton. The roster parts on the stage as Orton makes his way out, then he hugs the McMahons and says he told them all it would happen. Orton says he owes it all to HHH for last night, then he says they should all stand and show HHH the respect he deserves. HHH says they know Bryan is back in the building, and he says they should get this personal issue over with and Bryan should face him in the ring. He says Bryan should do whatever he needs to move on, then he says no one should touch Bryan if he comes out and he asks for Bryan again and starts a YES chant.

Bryan finally makes his way out but The Shield jump him on the floor, then Bryan makes a comeback and throws them into the steps before they overpower him. Bryan takes Rollins and Reigns out on the ramp and HHH tells him to talk it out, then Bryan walks towards the ring but Reigns takes him out with a spear. Rollins and Ambrose join in and beat him on the floor, then they set up a triple powerbomb but HHH tells him to stop. HHH tells Bryan to get in the ring and talk to them, then Bryan pulls himself in the ring but Orton drops him with a RKO and they stand over him and raise each other's arms.

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