WWE RAW Results (8/19) – John Cena’s Announcement, Punk Fights Axel, Orton’s Championship Coronation

Alberto Del Rio vs Sin Cara

Alberto charges Cara and kicks him in the back, then he whips him into the ropes but Cara rebounds with a backhandspring armdrag. Cara knocks him outside and hits a quick suicide dive, then Cara looks to be injured and doctors run over to check on him. Alberto ignores them and kicks him before rolling him in the ring, but the ref calls for the bell and Alberto taunts the crowd.

Result – No Contest

Alberto takes a mic and says he proved himself at Summerslam, and he gave the Latinos someone to finally cheer for. Alberto says the Mexicans have no idols or heroes, but he will make sure he is the one representing them all, including the peasants. Ricardo cuts him off and asks if he remembers him, and he says Alberto isn't a hero to him or the Latino community, but he should confess something. He says he's happy he doesn't have to represent Alberto anymore and stand by his side, and he found someone new who will stand for the people, Rob Van Dam. RVD comes out to the ramp and rushes to the ring, then he attacks Alberto and takes him out with a spin kick, but Alberto runs away from a Five Star Frog Splash.

Real Americans (w/ Zeb Colter) vs Prime Time Players

Cesaro goes right after Young and punches him, then he whips him across the ring but Young takes him down with a hiptoss. Swagger and Titus tag in but Titus and Young hit a double team shoulder block, then he stomps Swagger in the corner before Swagger knocks him down. Cesaro gets back in and hits a gutwrench slam for two, then he and Swagger punch Titus until the ref pulls Swagger away. Cesaro takes a cheap shot before taunting the crowd, then Titus tries to fight out of the corner but Swagger knocks him back down. He scoop slams Titus and hits a Swagger Bomb, then Cesaro tags him and hits a quick double stomp for a two count. Swagger whips Titus but Titus hits a spinebuster, then he makes the tag and Young hits a clothesline and a belly-to-belly throw. Young throws Swagger off the apron and hits a northern lights suplex on Cesaro, then Swagger runs in and breaks it up but Titus tackles him as Young drops Cesaro with Gutcheck for the win.

Winners – Prime Time Players


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