Wade throws him shoulder first into the steps, then he hits him with a kendo stick a few times before Bryan kicks it out of his hands. Bryan swings at him with it but Wade rolls outside, then Bryan takes him down with a suicide dive before hitting a top rope missile dropkick. Bryan stops when Vince McMahon's music cuts him off, and Vince struts down the ramp and mocks Bryan as we cut to a break. We get back to see Wade send Bryan into the corner, then he tries to powerbomb him through a table but Bryan counters and Wade rolls outside. Bryan hits a running knee from the apron and starts a YES chant in front of Vince, then he kicks Wade a few times and sets up a suplex.
Wade counters with a suplex and Vince mocks the YES chant, then Wade whips Bryan into the ringpost and brings a chair into the ring. Wade hits him in the back and ribs with it, then he tries to slam it on Bryan from the middle rope but Bryan rolls away. He gets up and dropkicks Wade in the corner, then he grabs the kendo stick and alternates between kendo strikes and kicks to the head. Wade ducks one and goes for a rollup, but Bryan kicks out and applies the YES Lock, only to have Vince pull the ref out of the ring. Bryan screams at him and they have a shouting match, then Wade spins Bryan and hits the Bullhammer. Vince waves for a referee and Brad Maddox runs to the ring, then Wade makes the cover but Bryan kicks out and Wade and Vince flip out on Maddox.
Wade goes for a pump handle slam but Bryan counters and kicks him in the head, then he makes the cover but Maddox ignores it and Vince waves him off. Bryan goes after Maddox as Vince sneaks the kendo stick to Wade, then he swings at Bryan but Bryan ducks and Wade ends up hitting Maddox in the corner. Bryan dropkicks Wade into Maddox in the corner, then Wade tries to powerslam him but Bryan floats over and throws Wade through the table. Vince takes off the original ref's shirt and tries to put it on, but Triple H's music cuts him off and HHH heads to the ring as Bryan hits a top rope headbutt, getting the win with HHH counting it. HHH and Bryan do the YES chant to taunt Vince, then he shakes Bryan's hand and let's him celebrate, but Randy Orton comes out to the stage and holds up his briefcase as the show ends.
Winner – Daniel Bryan
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