WWE RAW Results (8/12) Bryan/Cena Face Off, New US/Tag Title Contenders Named, Does Punk Get Even With Heyman?

Miz says that's code for Cena saying Bryan can't beat him, then Miz reads into things and talks about Bryan not being good enough. Bryan tells him to shut up or he will kick him in the face, then he tells Cena he's sick of people thinking he puts up a good fight and that's all he's good for. Cena tries to say it's not like that but Bryan tells him to shut up, and he says he saw something in Cena last week, and he says Cena cares about fame instead of wrestling. Bryan says his shirt is a parody of Cena's, and doesn't want to be a parody, but he wants the WWE Championship because it means no one else is better than him.

Cena takes off his shirt and says Bryan almost got him, and the parody comment was strong, but they are both out there for the same exact reason. He says his shirt is just a shirt, just like a flag is just cloth, and it matters what the message behind it is, whether he gets cheered or booed. Cena says they do this for yes and no chants and 'you can't see me' gestures, and Bryan won't be the first or the last to try and break him. He says he isn't a parody because he isn't a joke, and he does this for the fans, just like a kid whose wish he granted, and that kid says he'll never give up during treatment. Cena says he does it for the fans wearing his shirt, and he hopes Bryan continues to take him lightly because that's what everyone else thought. Cena says he will beat Bryan like all of his doubters, and he says he's wrestled for twelve years trying to be the best, beating the likes of Shawn Michaels and Triple H.

Bryan says Cena acts like he isn't good enough, then Cena says he won't put Bryan in the same class until he earns it and wins this title. Bryan says he finally heard the truth and Cena doesn't respect him, and Cena couldn't understand how bad he wants the title because he's an eleven time champion. Bryan says Cena treats this like another match, but it's the biggest one of his match, and he is reminded of a Japanese tradition before a big match. He says they used to slap the opponent as hard as they could, and he wishes he could do that to Cena, but he's not a wrestler. Bryan says Cena doesn't deserve it either, then Cena tells Bryan to slap him and shoves him, then Bryan taunts him a bit until HHH makes his way out. He tries to talk Bryan and Cena down but Randy Orton walks out to the stage, and he holds his briefcase in the air as Cena and Bryan stare him down from the ring.


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