WWE Releases Son of Hollywood Actor, JR Comments on The Rock Possibly Returning to the Ring

The RockWWE Releases Son of Hollywood Actor

WWE has released Garrett Dylan, real name Jody Kristofferson and son of actor Kris Kristofferson, from his developmental deal. According to F4WOnline.com, the release did not come as a surprise as officials felt Dylan had average wrestling skills despite being passionate about the business. It's also being said that his character work did not stand out amongst others and officials were not impressed by his physique.

JR Comments on The Rock Possibly Returning to the Ring

During a recent interview with Sowetan to promote his upcoming Q&A sessions in The UK, Jim Ross had the following to say regarding The Rock potentially returning to the ring:

"My belief is that we have not seen the last of The Rock in the ring," JR said. "Just knowing him and his competitive nature and the fact that he loves the genre, his life and his family's life in the business I would think that he would want to go out of the business under better circumstances than leaving where his last match resulted in an injury which pushed him to the sideline and didn't let him complete the match as he would have loved to have done."


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