RVD kicks Orton in the corner and slams him on the mat, then he hits a split-legged moonsault for two before Orton stuns him with an elbow. Orton grabs Christian and sets up a hanging DDT, but Christian back drops him outside before doing the same to RVD, then he follows with a baseball slide kick. Christian hits Orton but RVD hits him in the back, then he runs across the ring and takes them both out with a somersault dive as we go to a break. We get back to see Orton run at Christian in the corner, but Christian kicks him in the face and they trade a few pin attempts before Christian hits an inverted DDT.Christian knocks RVD off the apron and sets up a spear on Orton, but Orton leapfrogs him so Christian goes up top and hits a diving elbow. Christian calls for the Killswitch as RVD heads up top, but Christian sees it coming and dives away as RVD kicks Orton in the head.
RVD knocks Christian down and hits a Five Star Frog Splash, then he goes for the cover but Orton breaks it up and throws him in the corner. He connects with some mounted punches and a clothesline, then he goes for a powerslam but RVD holds the ropes and kicks him in the face. RVD goes for Rolling Thunder but Orton counters with a spinning powerslam, then he sends RVD outside as Christian goes for a Killswitch. Orton counters and hits a hanging DDT for two, then he goes for a RKO but RVD comes back in and tries to attack him, but Orton drops him with a RKO. Orton tries to follow up with a RKO on Christian, but Christian counters it and rolls him up and wins it with a backslide pin. Orton shakes his hand and leaves, then Josh Mathews tries to talk to him but Alberto Del Rio runs in and attacks Christian, then superkicks him before taunting the crowd.
Winner – Christian
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