Fandango punches Punk again and taunts the crowd, then he applies a headlock but Punk makes it to his feet and punches him before he goes for a sunset flip. Fandango blocks it and kicks him in the face, then he goes to a side headlock and rakes Punk's face, but Punk gets back up and breaks it with a few elbows. Punk whips him across the ring but Fandango kicks him in the face, then he heads up top but Punk avoids a kneedrop and hits a forearm smash. Punk comes back with a neckbreaker for two, then Fandango retreats to the corner so Punk hits a high running knee and a clothesline. He heads up top but Fandango rolls outside, then Punk goes after him but Fandango kicks him in the head and hits a twisting inverted DDT for two. Fandango punches him and heads up top, but Punk crotches him on the ropes and hits a superplex before rolling through and making him tap to the Anaconda Vise.
Winner – CM Punk
Divas Championship
Kaitlyn (w/ Layla) vs AJ Lee
AJ runs at Kaitlyn and attacks her in the corner, but Kaitlyn fights back and throws her on the mat before AJ puts her in a sleeperhold. She grapevines the hold and gets Kaitlyn to the mat, but Kaitlyn makes it back up and slams AJ backfirst into the turnbuckles. AJ fires right back with a clothesline, then she taunts Kaitlyn and skips around the ring before she kicks her in the face. Kaitlyn hits her right back and knocks her outside following a gutbuster, then she goes outside but Layla gets in her way and blocks her. Kaitlyn screams at her as AJ hits her and throws her into the barricade, then she rolls her inside and puts her in the Black Widow and makes her tap. Layla ends up celebrating with AJ and skipping around the ring, then they hug on the stage and mock Kaitlyn as she stands in the ring.
Winner – AJ Lee
#1 Contender's Match (World Heavyweight Championship)
Randy Orton vs Christian vs Rob Van Dam
Orton attacks Christian in the corner but RVD helps Christian sends Orton outside, then RVD kicks Christian in the face and sets up Rolling Thunder. Orton pulls him outside and throws him into the steps, then RVD throws him on the barricade and shoulder blocks Christian before hitting Orton with a legdrop. RVD plays to the crowd and turns into a spear as we cut to a break, then we get back to see Christian kick RVD and hit a tornado DDT for two. Orton gets back in and throws a few punches, then he takes Christian down with a Thesz press before Christian catches him with an elbow. Orton headbutts Christian on the top rope and drops him with a superplex, then RVD comes back with stepover kicks to each man and a monkey flip to Christian. (Cont'd…)