WWE RAW Results (7/29) – Rhodes vs Barrett, Bryan vs Kane, Cena/Ryback Tables Match

Cody Rhodes vs Wade Barrett

Wade knees Cody in the corner and kicks him a few times, then he knocks him outside and punches him in the back of the head before throwing him into the barricade. Wade rolls him in and hits a rolling underhook suplex, then he slams him chest first into the turnbuckles before putting him in a waistlock. He bounces Cody off the top rope and knees him in the back, then he applies a side headlock but Cody punches his way out and whips him across the ring. Wade reverses it but Cody catches him with an elbow, then he connects with a top rope moonsault before they slug it out. Wade whips him into the ropes but Cody knees him in the face, then he kicks him in the stomach and hits a running knee smash for two.

Cody goes for a Disaster Kick but Wade ducks and kicks him, then he sets up a pumphandle slam but Cody floats over and hits Cross Rhodes for the win. Damien Sandow comes out after the bell and says Cody is damned for throwing his briefcase in the Gulf of Mexico, and he's filed a complaint with WWE. Sandow says he brought Cody under his wing and tried to teach him, and he succeeded and won Money In The Bank, while Cody grew a mustache. He says he came from a well off family while Cody came from clowns, then Cody starts to move towards him but Sandow says carnies are beneath him and takes off backstage.

Winner – Cody Rhodes

Kane vs Daniel Bryan

Bryan charges Kane and knees him in the face, then Kane pushes him back but Bryan kicks him a few times and hits the ropes. Kane trips him but Bryan rolls through and puts him in a single leg crab, then Kane kicks him away and punches him in the corner. He whips Bryan into the ropes and hits a big boot, then he punches him in the corner and stomps him a few times. Kane applies a chinlock but Bryan makes it to his feet, then he punches Kane and hits the ropes, but Kane catches him and press slams him before hitting a low dropkick. Kane elbows him and puts him in headlock, but Bryan comes back with some kicks and follows up with a diving clothesline and a boot to the face.  (Cont'd…)