WWE RAW Results (7/15) – Heyman Explains His Actions, Brock Returns, Cena Picks His Summerslam Opponent

Chris Jericho walks in on Brad Maddox talking to his mom about being in charge, then Jericho makes fun of his clothes but says he's doing fine. Maddox says he knows Jericho wants to be WWE Champion, so he should try to impress John Cena by facing a former champion tongiht. Maddox says he thinks Rob Van Dam will work, then Jericho asks if he really wants RVD vs Y2J, then he says he's on and pats Maddox on the back as he leaves.

Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio

Alberto punches Dolph in the head but Dolph comes right back with a dropkick, then he hits ten consecutive elbow drops for a near fall. Dolph goes for a corner splash but Alberto dives away, then he repeatedly kicks Dolph and taunts him before hitting an inverted superplex for a near fall. Alberto chokes him on the ropes and goes for a corner splash, but Dolph avoids it and hits a corner clothesline and a kick to the face. Dolph hits the ropes but Alberto backdrops him to the floor, then we get back from a break to see Alberto hit a side suplex before setting up a superkick. Dolph ducks it but Alberto turns and knocks him down, then he knees him in the head and goes for a step up enziguiri. Dolph counters with a tornado DDT for a near fall, then they trade punches in the middle of the ring before Alberto gets the better of him and taunts him for showing off.

Alberto goes for a leg lariat but Dolph ducks, and Alberto grabs the ropes but Dolph dropkicks him for a near fall before setting up a Zig Zag. Alberto counters with a German suplex and some headbutts, then he sets up a Cross Armbreaker but Dolph counters with a neckbreaker for a near fall. Dolph goes for a legdrop bulldog but Alberto counters with an enziguiri for two, then he sets up a corner tackle but Dolph avoids it and Alberto hits the ringpost. Dolph hits a legdrop bulldog from the middle rope, then he goes for a cover but someone mysteriously rings the bell. They look over and AJ Lee is just standing there, then Alberto kicks Dolph from behind and rolls him up to steal the win. AJ gets in the ring and stares at Dolph, then she slaps him a few times and says he broke her heart, and Big E Langston runs out and hits a clothesline and the Big Ending.

Winner – Alberto Del Rio