*Spoilers:* Complete WWE Smackdown Results For Tonight

-Teddy Long came out to the ring for a contract signing between AJ Lee and Kaitlyn, with Big E Langston at ringside. A fight eventually broke out, and Kaitlyn ended up slapping Langston and leaving AJ laying with a huge spear

-Fandango def. Wade Barrett. Team Rhodes Scholars, Zeb Colter, Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro were all at ringside causing trouble during and after the match

-Alberto del Rio and Sin Cara were scheduled for a match, but "Sin Cara" came out and attacked the world champion immediately, hitting him the Zig Zag and doing Dolph's signature hip gyrations

-Vickie Guerrero came out and complained about being fired on Raw. Teddy Long came out and said she was also fired from Smackdown, and had security remove her from the building

-Sheamus vs. Randy Orton didn't have a finish, as they took a bump to the outside and Daniel Bryan came out to attack them. He set up a ladder, and a brawl broke out between the four of them as Christian joined the action. Orton recovered and hit Bryan with an RKO, ending Smackdown by sitting on the ladder with the Money in the Bank briefcase. 


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