WWE Monday Night RAW Results (7/8) – The Wyatt Family Is Here, Vickie Replaced, Punk vs Orton

WWE RAWWWE Monday Night RAW Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
July 8th 2013

Vickie Guerrero and Brad Maddox are in the ring to promote the Money In The Bank match, and Vickie says the ladder represents her climb to success. She says she holds them all responsible if she falls, then she climbs to the top and says she is a successful woman in a man's world. Vickie says no one ever guided her along, but she did everything herself and they might not see eye to eye, but she did everything for the fans. Jerry Lawler stands up and says he got a note that says the McMahon family is considering everything as far as her job evaluation goes. He says the fans can grade her on her job on the WWE App, then Vickie kisses up and says she considers them all family. Vickie says they have each other's backs, then she announces John Cena will face off with Mark Henry, and the Money In The Bank All-Stars will have singles matches, the first of which is next.

Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus

Bryan fights out of a side headlock but Sheamus takes him down with a shoulder block, then Bryan puts him in an armbar and switches to a hammerlock. Sheamus breaks it and hits the ropes but Bryan clotheslines him, then he kicks Sheamus' legs a few times before Sheamus comes back with some knees. Sheamus knocks him down and puts him in a wristlock, but Bryan makes it up and hits a kneelift and some kicks to the chest. Bryan tries to whip him but Sheamus blocks it and hits a neckbreaker, then Sheamus sends him into the ropes and hits a backbreaker for two.

Bryan kicks Sheamus and takes him outside with a bodyscissors flip, then he goes for a running knee but Sheamus tries to avoid it and Bryan hits the barricade. We get back from a break to see Bryan kick Sheamus and hit the ropes, but Sheamus knees him in the face and takes him down with a diving elbow strike. Sheamus sends him into the corner and hits a rolling senton, then he calls for a Brogue Kick but Bryan ducks and sends him outside. Bryan hits a suicide dive and heads up top, then he connects with a missile dropkick for a near fall before he kicks Sheamus in the chest. Sheamus rolls outside to avoid one and ties Bryan in the ropes, then he clubs his chest and clotheslines him before he heads up top. (Cont'd…)


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