WWE Smackdown Results (7/5) – Christian vs Orton, Punk vs Alberto

Kaitlyn ends up chasing AJ backstage as we go to a break, then we come back to see AJ trying to get away before she runs into the Bella Twins. They tell AJ to enjoy her title because they will take it pretty soon, then AJ runs away and ends up finding Big E Langston down the hall. She tries to urge him to leave, but he chuckles and asks what about Dolph, because he's still in the building. AJ says she will text him and she needs to leave, then she freaks out a bit and tells him to hurry. Langston laughs a bit and follows her, then she yells at him to run to the car and takes off into the garage.

Christian vs Randy Orton

Orton takes Christian down with a shoulder block, then Christian sends Orton into the corner and chops him before whipping him across the ring. Orton bounces back with a clothesline, but Christian trips him up and chokes him on the ropes before going outside for a strike to the head. Christian hits the floor but Orton avoids it, then he sets up a hanging DDT but Christian counters and throws him outside as we go to a break. We get back to see Christian kick Orton in the chest a few times, then he hits the ropes but Orton takes him down with a Thesz press. Christian rolls outside and snaps his neck on the ropes, then he heads up top and hits a cross body for two before applying a headlock. Orton fights out with some elbows, then he whips Christian into the corner and they trade punches before Christian hits the ropes and Orton dropkicks him.

Orton clotheslines him a few times and goes for a powerslam, but Christian avoids it and throws Orton into the corner and tries to punch him. Orton reverses it and hits some mounted punches, then Orton hits a fallaway powerbomb for a near fall before Christian kicks him. Christian goes for a springboard move but Orton slams him on the mat, then he connects with a powerslam for another two count before Christian goes for the Killswitch. Orton counters with a RKO attempt, but Christian counters with an inverted DDT, then he hits a spear out of the corner but only gets a two count. Christian sets up the Killswitch but Orton counters with a hanging DDT, then he calls for a RKO but Christian counters it. Christian heads up top but Orton ducks a dropkick, then he spins around and successfully hits a RKO for the win.

Winner – Randy Orton