WWE RAW Results (7/1) – Two Stars Return, Bryan/Kane At Odds, Champion vs Champion

Randy Orton vs Kane (Special Guest Referee – Daniel Bryan)  

Orton stomps Kane in the corner until Bryan backs him away, then Kane drops Orton with an uppercut before repeatedly kneeing him in the corner. Orton kicks him back and hits the ropes, but Kane knocks him down with an elbow and hits a quick dropkick for a near fall. Kane applies a nerve hold but Orton makes it to his feet, then he throws some elbows and follows with a Thesz press and some mounted punches. Orton stomps him a few times and gets a near fall, then Kane comes back with some uppercuts and a snap suplex before dropping a few elbows. Kane sends him into the corner and throws some elbows, then Orton gets knocked outside so Kane rolls him back in and charges the corner. Orton drop toe holds him into the corner, then he hits several mounted punches but Bryan pulls him back, so Orton shoves him and Bryan calls for the bell.

Bryan tells Kane he wins and tries to raise his arm, but Kane says he wants the match to continue, so Bryan rings the bell and Orton dropkicks Kane out of the ring. We get back from a break to see Kane clothesline Orton in the corner, then he connects with a sidewalk slam before he heads up top. Kane jumps but Orton dropkicks him, then he sets up a hanging DDT but Kane counters and goes for a chokeslam. Orton kicks him and hits a backbreaker, then Orton successfully hits a hanging DDT and calls for a RKO, but Bryan tries to back him away. Bryan tells him to let Kane get up but Orton ignores him, then Kane hits a big boot and Bryan makes a fast count to give Kane the win. Kane argues with him about the count and grabs him by the throat, but he ends up letting go and leaves as Orton gets up and drops Bryan with a RKO. 

Winner – Kane

Paul Heyman is shown talking to CM Punk about his match tonight, but Punk says he can win on his own and Curtis Axel can sit and watch. Heyman says he gets it, and the Prime Time Players were wrong last week, but he doesn't get why Punk is being so hostile towards the two of them now. Punk says he trusts him, but not Axel, so Heyman says a lot of people thought the same about Punk back in 2005. Heyman tells him to trust him when he says he can trust Axel, and Heyman says he is worthy of it and tries to get them on the same page.