WWE RAW Results (6/24) – MITB Participants Named, Heyman Answers Punk, Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton

WWE RAWWWE Monday Night RAW Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

June 24th 2013

Daniel Bryan comes out and says some people say he's a walking example of the little man syndrome, and he's heard it for years. He says a few of the jokes that he's heard throughout his career, and he says Kane did it to him but it started back on NXT too. Bryan says he fought toe-to-toe with Randy Orton, and anyone else would be happy with a countout victory, but not him. Bryan says he won't rest until he makes Orton tap or pins him, then he asks if that happens tonight before starting a YES! chant. Orton comes and takes the mic from Bryan, and he says he wanted to tell him to his face to shut up and fight. Bryan knees him in the face and throws him out of the ring, then he tells Orton to fight him and Orton tells the ref to ring the bell.

Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton

Orton and Bryan trade shots in the corner, then Bryan kicks him several times before the referee pulls him back, but Bryan goes right back after him. Orton sends him outside and clotheslines him, then he throws him over the broadcast table and punches him in the back of the head. Bryan regains control and stomps him a few times, then the referee tries to regain control but rings the bell after Bryan connects with a running knee strike. Bryan throws him into the broadcast table, then Orton comes back with a few shots before a bunch of referees run out and pull them apart.

Result – No Contest

Vickie Guerrero is talking to Brad Maddox about their plans for the show when Daniel Bryan comes in and screams at them, and he says he wants a rematch. He says it can be a double disqualification or whatever they want, but he wants a rematch with Orton tonight because it's not over between them. Maddox says it is over tonight because they already have a full show, but Bryan says if he can't have a match with Orton, he wants to fight Maddox. Vickie says 'you got it', and Maddox looks terrified, but Vickie says Bryan has his match with Orton and laughs at Maddox's reaction. Vince McMahon walks in and says some people think Bryan doesn't deserve to be a WWE Superstar and he's embarrassment, so Vickie asks what he thinks. Vince says he will let them figure it out, then he walks out of the room as we head to the next match.