Report: Teen Accidentally Kills 5-Year-Old Sister w/ WWE Moves

CBS picked up on a story of a 13-year-old boy from New Orleans that accidentally killed his 5-year-old half-sister this week, after imitating moves he told police he picked up from watching professional wrestling. 

"Those moves allegedly included repeatedly slamming the girl on a bed, punching her in the stomach, jumping on her and striking her with his elbow. A coroner’s investigation found the girl died of multiple injuries, including broken ribs, lacerations of the liver and internal bleeding."

The boy, whose name has not been released, called 911 after his sister stopped breathing, just moments after she complained of a severe stomach ache. He was home alone with the girl, babysitting while their mother was away. Check out the link above for the complete story.

[ed – language changed to reflect the girl was accidentially killed.]


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