WWE Payback Results (6/16) – Three Championships Change Hands, Punk Returns Home, Three Stages Of Hell

Alberto throws Dolph headfirst into the broadcast table, then Langston shoves him and tries to back him off but the ref throws Langston out and makes him leave. Dolph fights back with a few punches but Alberto throws him back into the table, then Dolph hits him and rolls him in the ring as AJ checks on Dolph. Alberto catches him offguard with a superkick, then he repeatedly punches Dolph in the head and gets a two count as AJ screams at him to stop. Alberto applies a side headlock but Dolph breaks it with some right hands, then Alberto pulls him back by the neck and punches his back. He sets up for a suplex but Dolph floats over and puts him in a sleeperhold, then he gets Alberto on the mat but Alberto throws him into the turnbuckles. Alberto hits him several times in the head and connects with a Backstabber for two, then he calls for the Cross Armbreaker but Dolph counters with a neckbreaker for two.

Dolph hits Alberto a few times and hits a legdrop bulldog for two, then he tries to set up on the top rope but Alberto cuts him off. Alberto hits him and connects with an inverted superplex for two, then he dropkicks Dolph through the ropes and goes to the apron and kicks him in the face. A doctor comes out and checks on Dolph, and Alberto tries to get the match to continue as AJ pleads for them to stop. Alberto kicks him in the back of the head and rolls him in the ring, then Ricardo screams at him to finish it as he hits an enziguiri. Alberto makes a cover but Dolph kicks out at two, then Alberto gets pissed and slams Dolph's head on the mat as the crowd starts to turn on him. Alberto taunts him and waits for Dolph to get up, then Dolph pops up and surprises him with a kick to the head and a Zig Zag. Dolph tries to get up but he is unable to do it quick enough, and Alberto superkicks him just as he does and Alberto makes the cover.

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Championship – Alberto Del Rio

Alberto celebrates on the ramp and the crowd boos him for it, then AJ begins to cry as she realizes that Dolph is pretty out of it. He struggles to stand up after a doctor helps him up, then he falls at the bottom of the ramp and holds his head before he heads backstage. Alberto comes back out and cuts a promo about how he proved he is the best, but the crowd just boos him as he asks them to celebrate and support him. He says he deserved to win this championship, and he wants them all to cheer his hard work, but they just boo as Ricardo yells him name.