WWE Payback Results (6/16) – Three Championships Change Hands, Punk Returns Home, Three Stages Of Hell

WWE PaybackWWE Payback Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

June 16th 2013

"Payback Kickoff" Pre Show

Sheamus vs Damien Sandow

Sandow and Sheamus exchange blows until Sheamus scoop slams Sandow for two, then Sandow backs him into the corner but Sheamus hits a Battering Ram. Sheamus follows Sandow outside and they trade some more punches, then Sandow sends him into the ringpost and puts him in a headlock. Sandow elbows him when he tries to break it and drop toe holds him into the corner, then they fight on the floor before Sandow connects with the Elbow of Disdain for two, then he applies a side headlock on the mat as we cut to a break. We get back to see Sandow club Sheamus in the chest, then he knocks him back down but Sheamus comes back with an electric chair drop. Sheamus hits a few forearm shots and tackles Sandow in the corner, then Sandow throws him outside and hits a running kneelift.

Sandow connects with a spinning neckbreaker for two, then he gets tossed over the ropes and Sheamus kicks him in the head and clubs his chest. Sheamus pulls him over and hits a rolling fireman's carry slam for two, then he heads up top but Sandow cuts him off and drops him with a hanging neckbreaker. Sheamus tries to get in some offense but Sandow reverses it and hits a straightjacket neckbreaker, then he makes the cover but somehow Sheamus kicks out. Sandow gets pissed and hits him a few times before sending him up top, then he connects with a fallaway slam but Sheamus comes right back with an Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus hits two more before calling for the end, then he backs into the corner before hitting the Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner – Sheamus

Intercontinental Championship

The Miz vs Curtis Axel (w/ Paul Heyman) vs Wade Barrett (c)

Miz ducks a clothesline by Wade and hits Axel a few times, then he throws him outside and gets a near fall on Wade before Heyman distracts him. Wade uses it to hit Miz from behind, then Miz gets sent into the ropes but he slides through the ropes and tries to kick Axel in the head. We head back inside and see a few reversals, then Wade hits Miz with a big boot for two, and he hits Miz in the head and places him on the ropes. Wade hits a few kidney punches and mocks the crowd, then he he gets a near fall but Axel breaks it up and continues to stand with Heyman at ringside. Wade kicks Miz and cuts off Axel on the apron, then he knees him a few times before Miz tries to steal it with a rollup. He hits a backbreaker but Axel reverses a backbreaker, then he sends Miz into the corner and punches him several times in the face. (Cont'd…)