Kaitlyn is in the ring to meet her secret admirer, and she asks that they show themselves, so Big E Langston comes out and Kaitlyn looks shocked. Langston makes his way to the ring with some flowers, and Kaitlyn asks if it's really him so he says it's unexpected and they only see him one way. He says he is more than Dolph's 'heavy' and a tough guy, then Kaitlyn says she doesn't get it so Langston says he's been into her since they met. Langston says he couldn't find the words until now, then he pulls her in and goes to kiss her, but ends up throwing her on the mat. Langston smiles as AJ Lee makes her way out, and she asks Kaitlyn if she feels worthless and alone, because she's been there.
AJ says Kaitlyn abandoned her when she needed her, and she let men use her friend while she was chasing the Divas Championship. Kaitlyn calls her crazy, but AJ says she's smart because Kaitlyn might beat her in the ring, but she beats her mentally and that's all she needs because Kaitlyn is trash. AJ says no one gives a damn about her, and she might have a championship right now, but she's going to lose that on Sunday too. She says Kaitlyn will run back to the trailer park while she gets everything, then Kaitlyn finally loses it and slaps and punches her. AJ breaks free and backs up the ramp, then she laughs to herself and stares at Kaitlyn crying before skipping off backstage.
Damien Sandow vs R-Truth
Sandow fights out of a headlock and Truth punches him, then Sandow hits a kneelift and some elbows before throwing Truth out to the floor. He goes outside and rams Truth into the barricade, then he rolls him back in and punches him a few times before taking him down with a snapmare. Sandow knees him in the back and puts him in a headlock, then he connects with the Elbow of Disdain before Truth makes a comeback. Truth takes him down with some strikes and a spinning headscissors, then he connects with a front release suplex for a near fall. Truth goes for a running attack but Sandow chopblocks his knees, then he picks him up and connects with The Silencer (sitout side slam) for the win. Sheamus comes out and congratulates him, then he says they'll meet at the Payback Kickoff, and he's going to kick off his head.
Winner – Damien Sandow