WWE Smackdown Results (6/7/) – Jericho vs Axel, Ziggler Announces Return, Can Bryan Coexist With A New Partner?

WWE SmackdownWWE Smackdown Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
June 7th 2013

Miz TV starts the show with Team Hell No and Randy Orton as his guests, and Daniel Bryan says he's had some time to think about things. He says he knows Orton didn't mean to hit him, and Kane is just trying to help him, then Kane asks if he'll drop the 'weak link' theory. Bryan says it's not a joke to him, and Miz says he took out the Shield by himself last week, and wants to know if he is getting the appropriate respect. Bryan says sometimes he gets respect, then Miz makes a goat face joke and Orton tells him to knock it off because Bryan's head isn't in the right place. Bryan says his head is fine and he just wants more respect, then they bicker a bit before Bryan says he got caught on Monday by The Shield because Orton got in his way. Kane tells Orton not to say anything and they should leave, then Bryan tells him not to do anything and Kane screams that he's always had his back.

Bryan screams back and says Kane has left him alone several times to get attacked, and Kane tries to reason with him but Bryan says they were forced to team up. Kane says he's had enough and tells Orton he's on his own, then Kane heads backstage and Miz just says 'really' a few times. He asks if that was the break up of Team Hell No, then Bryan says he bets the WWE Universe will blame him and repeatedly screams NO! Teddy Long comes out and says Bryan sounds like a man with something to prove, so he will face the tag team champions, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. Teddy says Kane wants nothing to do with Bryan right now, so he has no choice but to team him up with Randy Orton tonight!

Chris Jericho vs Curtis Axel (w/ Paul Heyman)

Axel takes Jericho down with a shoulder block, then Jericho knocks him down with a forearm shot and chops him before slamming his head into the turnbuckles. Jericho swings at him but Axel blocks it and whips him into the ropes, then Jericho kicks him in the face and sends him out to the floor. Jericho follows him outside and kicks him in the face, then he slams Axel's head into the broadcast table and stares Heyman down. He rolls Axel back in but Axel catches him with a hanging neckbreaker for two, then Axel measures Jericho up and plans his next attack as we go to a break. We get back to see Axel hit a snap neckbreaker for two, then he applies a rear chinlock but Jericho fights out and takes Axel down with a hiptoss. (Cont'd…)


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