WWE Raw Results (5/20): Ryback vs Cena Set for Payback, Heyman Reveals a New Client, Shield vs Team Hell No, HHH Competes in the Main Event

Backstage, Kaitlyn tells Natalya that she has the phone number of her secret admirer. Cody Rhodes walks up and is texting and asks them if he has something in his Lovestache. They grab his phone and check to see if it's him; it's not… 

Jack Swagger vs. Randy Orton

Orton and Swagger lock up, and Orton takes quick control of the bout and mounts Swagger on the top rope with punches. Swagger is selling the arm bar from Del Rio last night with a heavily taped arm. Following a 2 count Swagger takes control and hit some punches of his own. Orton reverses an Irish Whip and hits a Lou Thesz press followed by right hands. Swagger starts to work on Orton's leg after a missed suplex attempt by Orton and is softening him up for the Patriot Lock.

Orton is able to hurl Swagger over the ropes to by himself some time, but after setting Swagger up for the outside DDT, Swagger counters and rams Orton into the guard rail outside the ring. Swagger rolls Orton into the ring and gets a two count after the cover. Swagger goes back to the leg submission hold and Orton is able to fight out. Orton reverses an Irish Whip into the corner with legs to Swagger's face, but Swagger is able to throw Orton out of the ring as we head to commercial break.

Back from break and Swagger is fighting to lock in the Patriot Lock, but Orton gets to the ropes for a break. Swagger attempts to hit a spear with Orton in the corner but Orton moves and Swagger goes shoulder first into the ring post. Orton sets Swagger up for a top rope Superplex and hits it. Orton gets a two count off the cover. Orton goes for an Irish Whip but Swagger counters it into a Belly to Belly Suplex. Swagger misses a splash of the ropes and Orton hits him with a scoop slam off the Irish Whip. Orton misses a DDT attempt and Swagger hits a suplex but gets a two count. Orton hits the back breaker off a Whip into the corner, but can't get to the cover as his knee buckles. Orton finally hits the DDT out of the ropes and calls for the RKO. Swagger counters the RKO attempt and locks in the Patriot Lock. Orton fights to get to the ropes, and he does and the hold is broken. After an attempt by Swagger to lock in the hold again Orton hits the RKO out of nowhere for 1,2,3.

Winner: Randy Orton