WWE Raw Results (5/20): Ryback vs Cena Set for Payback, Heyman Reveals a New Client, Shield vs Team Hell No, HHH Competes in the Main Event

McGillicutty makes his way out, and Paul Heyman introduces him as Curtis Axel. Heyman talks about how WWE didn't want to acknowledge his legacy, and that he's a 3rd Generation Superstar. He says that Mr. Perfect's son wants to path a new route for himself – Triple H's music cuts them off, and The Game makes his way to the ring. He tells Paul he really knows how to whip up a batch of Kool-Aid. Basically, Triple H slaps the rookie across the face, and is going to destroy "Curtis Axel" in a match tonight, and then he's coming for Paul Heyman. 

Alberto del Rio vs. Big E Langston

ADR immediately gets the Cross Arm Breaker locked in, but Langston powers out of it and sends him crashing to the mat with a power slam. Langston with a backbreaker stretch, but he runs into a big boot in the corner. Del Rio grabs Langston and comes out of the corner with a DDT. A superkick finds its mark as Langston is on his knees, but Big E just powers him out of the ring. AJ Lee throws Ricardo's bucket across the ring to distract the referee, and Langston uses the distraction to get a poke to the eyes, followed by the Big Ending. 1…2…3.

Winner: Big E Langston

The Shield are in action tonight against Team Hell No and Kofi Kingston. 

AJ Lee vs. Layla

Layla is in complete control for the entire match, until AJ randomly locks in the Black Widow for a submission victory. 

Winner: AJ Lee