WWE Raw Results (5/20): Ryback vs Cena Set for Payback, Heyman Reveals a New Client, Shield vs Team Hell No, HHH Competes in the Main Event

Kane and Daniel Bryan are backstage, and Bryan says the realization just hit him that neither of them are tag team champions. He says he feels naked without the titles, and Kane tells him it's because he's not wearing pants, or a shirt. They argue about which one of them are the weak link in their team, but Kofi Kingston tells them to deal with it later, because they have a match tonight. 

Sheamus vs. Titus O'Neil

Darren Young is standing at ringside for this one.

Titus gets in a bit of offense early on, but then Sheamus throws him to the apron and hits his repeated clubbing blows to the chest. Sheamus goes to the outside to attack Young, but Titus lays him out, blindsiding Sheamus from behind. They roll back into the ring, and Titus plants him with a Fallaway Slam for a two-count. He continues to overpower Sheamus, hitting him with slams and dropping a few elbows. The Great White starts to fight back, hitting his opponent with a running high knee. He tries to launch himself over the top rope, but Darren Young grabs his feet and allows Titus to get a very close two-count. Sheamus with White Noise, followed by the Brogue Kick for the 1-2-3. 

Winner: Sheamus

Paul Heyman makes his way down next, and tells the crowd to get their chants and boo's out of their system now. He asks them what it feels like to be powerless, because their cheers and jeers will never change history, and history says that Brock Lesnar defeated Triple H inside the steel cage. He says now that we're done dealing with that, it's time for something fresh, and something new. It's time for that Sports Center moment, and the moment we will record with our DVR players, and visit over and over again. He tells the people at home to hit record now, because it's time to meet the newest Paul Heyman Guy…. Michael McGillicutty..? 


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