4/22 WWE Monday Night Raw Results – Undertaker Returns to London, Mick Foley Confronts The Ryback

Josh Matthews introduces WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley, to a huge ovation. Foley says that it is not in human nature to take blame for our own shortcomings. But in just a few short weeks, there will be no excuses when Ryback – who has the potential to be one of the greatest of all time – goes to battle against John Cena. 

Cody Rhodes vs. Tensai

The whole gang is back out here again for this match, standing ringside. Cody gets in a few quick jabs early in the match, but Tensai catches him and holds him up in the air for at least thirty seconds, before dropping him with a double underhook suplex. Cody battles back and hits a few dropkicks to the big man's knee, locking in a side headlock on the mat. "Sweet T" easily overpowers Rhodes and monkey flips him out of the corner. Tensai lands the biggest rolling senton into the corner I've ever seen. Sandow gets on the apron, but Brodus Clay takes him out. Double chokebomb connects followed by a running senton splash for the three-count. 

Winner: Tensai

Backstage, Daniel Bryan wants to plan strategy for the big tag team match later on tonight. He wants to contact the Undertaker, and Kane says he doesn't exactly carry a cell phone around. Bryan says he's got diagrams, and wonders if the tension is because they haven't hugged in awhile. Kane freaks out and says the Undertaker doesn't take orders, and whatever he does…don't try to hug him. The Shield attacks the tag team champions before we go to a commercial break. 

Big E. Langston is in singles action, next… 

Big E. Langston vs. Zack Ryder

Ryder hits the ring and throws a flurry of rights and lefts, but gets caught jumping off the ropes and slammed down hard with three backbreakers. After a huge clothesline, Langston pulls down the straps and plants him with the Big Ending. 

Winner: Big E. Langston

The Undertaker makes his way out – slowly – for our tag team match, as the announcers wonder if his partners are fit to compete. The Shield is next, and they make their way down through the fans, as per usual. They surround the ring and out-number The Phenom, until Kane's pyro goes off and Team Hell No makes the save! The faces clear the ring as we head to a commercial break. 


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