*Spoilers:* Complete Results For WWE Raw Tonight

WWE RawWZ's Bob Bamber is live at Raw in London, and is sending in the following updates:

Raw kicks off with Paul Heyman coming out, repping for Brock Lesnar. Big ECW chants for Lesnar. Heyman says Triple H is not at Raw tonight, and he is going to read an email to the live crowd that he received from Triple H.

Triple H's music hits, and he is in fact at Raw. Big pop for HHH, but surprisingly not as big as the one JBL received.

Triple H accepts Brock Lesnar's Extreme Rules match challenge, then Pedigrees Paul Heyman!

It's show on the Titan Tron that Chris Jericho vs Dolph Ziggler will take place on Raw tonight.

-Antonio Cesaro vs R-Truth is up next.

Truth defeats Cesaro in a pretty quick match.

Tons of Funk is out next, and the match is Brodus Clay vs Damien Sandow.


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