WWE House Show Results (4/20): Paris, France

John CenaThanks to Emilie Manchon for sending in the following:

A promo for the WWE 13 video game was run a couple of minutes before the show kicked off and people booed CM Punk like crazy. He got massive heat without even being there! Best in the world!

The Raw intro was played on the screens before Justin Roberts came out to announce the first match.

1. R-Truth def. Heath Slater

Truth came out singing his theme, he got people to chant "what's up?" before and during the match. Slater got booed every time he shouted "3MB". Truth dominated at first, then it was Slater. Truth hit the Little Jimmy and pinned Slater for the win.

Justin Roberts announced Team Hell No vs Ziggler & Langston for later on (tag team titles on the line). He said that we were to decide if AJ would be allowed at ringside by tweeting using the hashtags #AJ reste (AJ stays) or #AJ part (AJ leaves). Vickie Guerrero then came out and said she would be the special ring announcer for the next match.

2. Kaitlyn & Funkadactyls def. Tamina & Bellas

Boooring! Naomi and Cameron botched a couple of moves; I don't remember which one tagged Kaitlyn in but she pinned one of the Bellas after a spear.

3. Regal def. McGillicutty

Fun match to watch with lots of comedy spots.

4. Team Hell No def. Ziggler & Langston to retain the titles

Yes! Yes! Yes! AJ was allowed at ringside! The heels got booed, Daniel Bryan came out chanting No! because the crowd was chanting Yes!, huge pop for Kane.

Awesome match, but we knew team Hell No would retain the titles (at least I knew it!). AJ distracted the referee and her ex-BFs a couple of times but that wasn't enough to help her Ziggy win! Kane chokeslammed Dolph for the win.

After the match, Bryan grabbed the titles, much to Kane's dislike. He managed to get them and Bryan grabbed a mic, saying "Give it to me". He begged a few times, Kane kept refusing. Bryan "started crying" and pretended to leave so Kane put the titles on the floor so as to hug Bryan. And Yes! We got the hug!


5. Tons of Funk def. Rhodes Scholars

"Cody's mustache!" Another fun match! I love Sandow! Did you know he could scream like a little girl? I don't remember who pinned Damien as both Clay and Tensai were lying on him but Tons of Funk for the win.

After the match, Christophe Agius (one of the French commentators, the "French Michael Cole") came out and said that in the afternoon, 10 people had taken part in a dance contest and that we would get to vote for the winner out of the two remaining contestants (a woman and a man). They both performed silly moves but the guy won and he won a WWE Championship (the old one). I heard some people say that the belt belonged to him so I don't know.

6. Cesaro def. Ryder

"Let's go Ryder!" / "Cesaro!" / "Let's go Ryder!" / "Cesaro!" Funny thing is that Cesaro got booed when he came out but got cheered throughout the match. Ryder went for the Zack Attack but Cesaro countered and hit the Neutralizer.

7. Cena def. Ryback to retain the title (tables match)

"Feed me more! Feed me more!" I'm neither a Ryback fan nor a member of the Cenation but I always root for whoever faces Cena! Ryback dominated most of the match, bringing tables and even stairs in the ring but he was facing Super Cena so how could he win? "Let's go Cena!" / "Cena sucks!" Ryback had Cena on his shoulders but the latter countered and put the former in the AA. And through the table went Ryback!

After the match, Cena "attempted" to speak French but failed! Whoever had told him to say what he said should be fired! Basically, he thanked us for coming and said that WE were the champions.

Not an awesome show but a good show. Cena got the biggest pop of the night by far (followed by Kane), hard to say who got the most heat but it was surely Dolph and Big E. (but like I said, Punk got booed during the WWE 13 promo so …)