Mark Henry & Big Show vs Randy Orton & Sheamus
Sheamus and Henry talk trash before Henry tags out, then Show tries to corner him but Sheamus backs him away with a few punches. Show picks him up and throws him on the apron, then he clubs his chest a few times before Sheamus reverses it and proceeds to club him back. Show throws him in the corner but Sheamus stuns him with a kick, then Show ducks a corner kick and kicks Sheamus in the stomach. Sheamus avoids an elbow drop and makes a tag, then Orton hits a few punches before kicking Show in the stomach and backing in to the ropes. Show comes back with a side slam for two, then he headbutts Orton before tagging Henry in. Henry headbutts Orton and shoves him, then Orton fights back with some right hands but Henry puts him in a bearhug.
Orton fights out so Henry tackles him in the corner, then Show gets back in and punches him in the stomach. Orton ends up making a tag and Sheamus catches Show with a kneelift, then he hits a Battering Ram before picking him up and hitting White Noise for two. Henry tries to interfere but Sheamus sees him and knocks him off the apron, then Show spears Sheamus as we go to a commercial break. We get back to see Show taunting Orton, then Sheamus fights back with some right hands but Show drops him with a straight right hand. Show hits Final Cut for a near fall, then he hits a scoop slam before Henry gets back in and applies a nerve hold. Sheamus fights to his feet and throws a few punches, but Henry kicks him in the head and gets a two count before Orton breaks it up. Show tags in and chops Sheamus, then Sheamus hits some body punches before Show uses the nerve hold Henry had earlier used.
Show slams Sheamus on the mat and chokes him on the ropes, then he argues with the ref before picking Sheamus back up and punching him in the back. Show once again goes to the nerve hold before tackling Sheamus in the corner, then he hits the ropes but Sheamus chopblocks his knees and Sheamus finally makes the tag. Henry gets in at the same time as Orton and runs into some right hands, then Orton hits a few clotheslines that gets Henry off his feet. Orton connects with a DDT for two, then Henry rolls outside so Orton sets up a hanging DDT but Show breaks it up and tags back in. Orton grabs him and DDT’s him from the top rope, then he calls for the end and sets up for an RKO. Henry runs in and attacks him from behind, then Sheamus spears Henry through the ropes as Show chokeslams Orton for the win.
Winners – Mark Henry & Big Show
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