WWE Smackdown Results (4/19) – Alberto vs Swagger, Big Show/Henry vs Sheamus/Orton

Alberto Del Rio (w/ Ricardo Rodriguez) vs Jack Swagger (w/ Zeb Colter)

Swagger tries to attack Alberto’s injured leg, but Alberto attacks Swagger’s shoulder and gets him to retreat to the corner. They tie up and Alberto goes to a waistlock, then he goes back after Swagger’s shoulder and gets him to back away again. Swagger hiptosses Alberto and puts him in a side headlock, then Alberto tries to send him into the ropes but Swagger hits a shoulder block. Swagger goes after Alberto’s leg and attacks him in the corner, then he drags him outside and tries to wrap Alberto’s leg around the ringpost. Alberto blocks it by kicking him into the barricade, then he throws him into the steps before rolling him inside and gets a two count. Alberto picks him up but Swagger suplexes him, then he whips him across the ring but Alberto reverses it and tries to splash him in the corner.

Swagger counters by backdropping him over the ropes, then Alberto lands on the apron but Swagger snaps his leg on the ropes as Zeb ridicules him. We get back from a break to see Swagger focusing on Alberto’s leg, then Alberto is able to kick him away and heads up top but Swagger chopblocks his knee and sends him to the mat. Swagger hits a quick clothesline and some repeated shoulder slams in the corner, then he hits a short armed clothesline for a close near fall. Swagger tears the kneepad and bandage away from Alberto’s knee, then he twists around on the leg but Alberto kicks him in the head and sets up for an enziguiri. Swagger ducks and catches him with a powerslam for two, then Alberto rolls to the apron so Swagger tries to pull him in but Alberto applies an armbreaker variation on the ropes. He breaks the hold at five and runs at Swagger, then Swagger knocks him down and mocks him with some ‘With The People’ chants, but Alberto hits a few punches and a backbreaker before Swagger rolls outside.

Alberto pulls him towards the ropes and connects with a Backstabber for two, then he sets up a Cross Armbreaker but Swagger counters and tries to slam him down. Alberto rolls through and once again goes for his submission, but Swagger shifts his weight and applies the Patriot Lock. Alberto pulls himself to the ropes to break the hold, so Swagger runs to the corner and hits a Swagger Bomb for two before going for another one. Alberto gets his knees up and jumps down on Swagger’s shoulder, then he goes for another Cross Armbreaker but Swagger throws him outside. Alberto rolls in and superkicks Swagger for two, but Swagger grabs the ropes before going for the Patriot Lock, only to have Alberto roll him up and take the win.

Winner – Alberto Del Rio