(5) James Storm vs. AJ Styles
AJ Styles tries to leave before the match can end, but Storm runs to the ramp and attacks him from behind. They brawl back into the ring and the bell rings. Storm takes his opponent out with a running high knee. AJ getse back into the match with a flying elbow, and fires away with right hands as we head to a commercial.
When we come back, Storm is in control taking it to Styles with a big neckbreaker. He perches AJ on the top turnbuckle and heads up to the top rope for the suplex; Styles slides under him and hands Storm in the tree of woe, followed by a huge running dropkick. Bad Influence comes down to watch the match from the entrance ramp.
Off the distraction, Storm hits Clossing Time. They brawl to the outside, where AJ recovers and sends The Cowboy off the baricade. They head back into the ring and Storm hits Clossing Time again out of nowhere. He goes for the Last Call Superkick, but Styles counters it into a new single-leg submission hold. James Storm taps out.
Winner: AJ STyles
Bad Influence hit the ring and try to celebrate with AJ, but he takes them out from behind. The Aces & Eights attack out of nowhere, takign out Kazarian, Daniels and James Storm. The commentary team wonders what AJ Styles will do – he walks away without helping anyone.
The Aces & Eights easily pick apart the three men in the ring. Devon plants Storm with a one-armed Spinebuster. Bully Ray asks if we know who they are. He says they are the men responsible for taking out all their heroes. The Champ says he is responsible for taking out Jeff Hardy, they've taken out Hulk Hogan, James Storm, and Sting is gone. He says they have no more heroes, and it's all Hulk Hogan's fault.
Bully Ray promises to call out Hulk Hogan next week and finish the job.