4/18 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – AJ Styles Finally Faces James Storm, X-Division Title on the Line & More

Devon makes his way to the ring for the next match. Magnus comes out next as the challenger, but the Aces & Eights attack him from behind. He manages to fight off DOC and Mike Knox, but Devon hits the entrance ramp and the numbers game overpowers Magnus. Devon hits him in the mid-section with his chain, and the two bruisers plant him with a massive chokeslam on the floor. Samoa Joe runs out to make the save….sort of.  

Samoa Joe rages backstage about the attack on his former tag team partner. He tells Devon they're going to have a match tonight, and he's going to be bathed in blood. 

They play a video of Velvet Sky injured during last week's match. 

(3) #1 Contender's Match
Miss Tessmacher vs. Mickie James

ODB is the special guest referee in this match. Mickie James takes the first offensive, backing Brooke into a corner and firing away. ODB gets between them, and Mickie doesn't appreciate that. They lock up again and Mickie ends up using the ropes for leverage, which ODB once again breaks up. Mickie locks in an armbar on the mat, and refuses to break the hold until Tessmacher escapes the ring, and starts yelling at the ref not to play favorites. 

The battles to the floor and ODB has to roll to the outside and shoves both of them until they get back into the ring. Brooke throws James into the corner and starts to pop her booty, before running ass-first into Mickie for way too long. She counters with a flapjack and a kip up, and heads up to the top turnuckle. Thesz Press from the top connects, but Mickie only gets a two-count. She throws Brooke head-first into the second turnbuckle and gets the win with a roll-up pinfall. 

Winner: Mickie James


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