Update on Fandango's Theme Song Charting in The UK
According to WZ readers Keiran Heffey and Chris Gallon, WWE star Fandango's theme song "ChaChaLaLa" finished last week at #44 in The UK's top 100 chart.
Does Jim Ross Think Ryback is a Heel?
Jim Ross has noted the following in a new blog posted over at JRsBarBQ.com:
Just because @Ryback22 is hungry for the WWE Title and the money that comes along with it why does that motive make the powerhouse a villain? Since when did ambition make one an antagonist. Antagonist display a variety of common traits, non of which I have seen yet, I stress yet, from Ryback. I do like the apparent pairing of Ryback vs. John Cena and where this matter may be heading. To me, it certainly feels fresh even though some will take exception to the fact that Cena is in the equation. It doesn't both me and I see this rivalry selling tickets and producing a reaction in the arenas.