Jim Ross Talks Ryback As Heel, Fandango’s Long-Term Success

Jim RossThe following highlights are from the latest blog on Jim Ross's official website:

On whether or not Ryback is a heel: "Just because @Ryback22 is hungry for the WWE Title and the money that comes along with it why does that motive make the powerhouse a villain? Since when did ambition make one an antagonist. Antagonist display a variety of common traits, non of which I have seen yet, I stress yet, from Ryback. I do like the apparent pairing of Ryback vs. John Cena and where this matter may be heading. To me, it certainly feels fresh even though some will take exception to the fact that Cena is in the equation. It doesn't both me and I see this rivalry selling tickets and producing a reaction in the arenas."

On Fandango's recent success: "@steveaustinBSR predicts that @WWEFandango will be IC Champion within a few months. It might not take that long but I could also see Fandango winning the US Title as well at some point. Stars become stars over the long haul and even though Fandango has had an amazing few weeks and change as it relates to recognition, etc, it's how he does long term that writes his story. If Fandango can continue to grow, a key role at WM30 could be in his future and that's generally considered the yard stick. 
AS I wrote here weeks ago, bell to bell Fandango can 'go' but using Beautiful Bobby Eaton's Alabama Jam finisher might not be the best over the long haul. That's just my two cents."

Jim Ross also talks JBL, Chael Sonnen vs Jon Jones, and much more.


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