4/4 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – X-Division Action, 10-Man Main Event & More

X-Division #1 Contender's Match
Sonjay Dutt vs. Petey Williams vs. Mason Andrews

Andrews rolls up Dutt, but Williams uses a sunset flip to roll up Andrews. This happens three or four more times with all three of them trading pins. Mason Andrews leaves the ring and lets the other two fight it out. Williams dropkicks Sonjay and hits a suicide dive through the ropes right onto Andrew on the outside. Both Andrews and Williams move out of the way and Sonjay crashes to the floor. 

Back in the ring and Andrews hits a backbreaker for a close two-count on Petey. He gets him up in a fireman's carry, but Sonjay comes off the top rope with a missle dropkick to both men. Springboard splash connects on Andrews, but he kicks out before three. Petey Williams with a crazy tilt-a-whirl side Russian legsweep on Sonjay. The two head up to the top rope, and Andrews runs up, knocks Sonjay down and gets a belly-to-bell off the top on Petey. Andrews throws Sonjay out of the ring, and gets caught with the Canadian Destroyer out of nowhere from Petey Williams. 1-2-3

Result: Petey Williams wins via pinfall

Bully Ray pumps up the Aces & Eights in the clubhouse for tonight's big match. Devon tells Bully he better be ready to deal with Brooke Hogan tonight. 


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