Mark Madden

WZ Personality Debuts New “Voice of WCW” Podcast, 2K Re-Releases “WWE ’13”

The debut of Mark Madden’s THE VOICE OF WCW podcast is up at!

Among the topics discussed were:

-The Colter/Swagger angle has no real heat…and it’s not their fault!
-There’s zero doubt who’s going to win HHH vs. Lesnar!
-How Impact could fix the Aces & Eights angle!
-The irony of the fundraising for Scott Hall’s medical bills!
-Will Maria Kanellis go back to WWE if they don’t want her ROH boy-toy?

Check out THE VOICE OF WCW at!

2K Re-Releases “WWE ’13”

The WWEGames Facebook page noted today that “WWE ’13” has been re-released in video game stores under WWE’s new video game publisher 2K. No changes have been made to the game with the exception of the 2K logo replacing the old THQ logo.


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