WWE Smackdown Results (3/22) – Orton & Sheamus Officially Name Partner, Fandango ‘Cuts In’ Again

Antonio Cesaro vs The Miz 

Cesaro knees Miz in the face and gets a near fall, then he applies a three-quarters facelock but Miz breaks it and whips him into the ropes. Cesaro tries to stop him but Miz knees him and hits a corner clothesline, then he follows up with a clothesline before applying the Figure Four and he gets Cesaro to tap out. Miz talks trash to Wade Barrett (at commentary) and puts Cesaro back in the Figure Four, then Wade stands up and raises his title in the air before leaving as Miz dares him to get in the ring.

Winner – The Miz

Randy Orton, Sheamus & Big Show vs 3MB

Orton clotheslines Jinder and stomps him, then Sheamus tags in and punches him in the corner before he is backed away by the ref. Jinder kicks him a few times but Sheamus fights back with a clothesline and a rolling fireman's carry slam, then he chops Jinder and tags Big Show in. Show headbutts Drew and throws him on the apron, then he repeatedly punches Drew in the chest and tries to 'one-up' his partner. Jinder and Slater both get hiptossed before Orton tags in, and he plays to the crowd before hitting a kneelift and sending Slater into the ropes. Slater reverses the whip but Orton counters with a powerslam, then he sends him to the apron but Slater comes back with a side heel kick for a near fall.

Slater applies an armbar while Drew tags in, then they isolate Orton and attack him in the corner before Slater tries heading up top. Orton dropkicks him in midair and tags Show, and he unloads on Jinder with some clotheslines before splashing him in the corner. Show hits a spear before knocking Drew out, but Sheamus tags himself in and steals the pin, and Show gets in his face and argues with him. Orton breaks them up as The Shield comes out, then they start fighting with each other briefly before getting on the same page, and The Shield turns and leaves without incident.

Winners – Randy Orton, Sheamus & Big Show

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