Sheamus vs Big Show
Sheamus tries to attack Big Show but he gets caught with a quick spear, then Sheamus rolls outside but Show punches him and throws him back inside. Sheamus attacks him on the apron and clubs his chest, then Show drops to the floor and throws Sheamus into the barricade. We get back from a break to see Show hit a side slam for a near fall, then he sets up a slingshot bomb but Sheamus gets up and punches him in the back. Sheamus goes for an electric chair drop but Show counters with a reverse fallaway powerbomb, then he picks him up and repeatedly chops him in the corner.
Show tries to hit him again but Sheamus unloads with some punches and a kneelift, then Sheamus hits a flying shoulder tackle and goes up top. Show catches him and goes for a chokeslam, then Sheamus blocks that and a bear hug before going for White Noise. Sheamus picks him up and slams Show down, then he calls for the finish and sets up for a Brogue Kick in the corner. Before he can strike, Show rolls outside, but Sheamus dives on him on the floor and tries to pick him back up. Show punches him and rolls him inside, but Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick that sends him off the apron.
The Shield interrupts the match and heads to the ring, then they see Show is laid out and surrouns Sheamus in the ring. Randy Orton runs out to back up Sheamus, then The Shield rushes the ring and Orton and Sheamus attempt to fight them off. The Shield gets the advantage until Show evens things up, then The Shield gets thrown from the ring and they take off through the crowd. Sheamus turns around and gets knocked out by Show, then Orton RKO's him and stares down The Shield as the show ends.
Result – No Contest
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