2/28 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – New Champion Crowned, Kurt Angle Uncovers the Leader of Aces & Eights

Robbie E is already in the ring, and says there's a time and a place when a bro has to admit, there's a bigger bro, and a better bro. He calls Rob Terry down to the ring. Robbie says the thing between them has gotten way out of line, and he regrets slapping him in the face "last week" in the UK. He says he risked their friendship, which has meant the world to him for the past two years. Robbie calls Terry the "better bro, bro" and calls for one final "bro-off" between the two. Their music hits and Robbie E kicks it off by doing a ridiculous dance routine. Next up is Bigger Rob, whose music hits, but Robbie E takes him out from behind with the VIP entrance sign. He breaks it over Terry's head, which takes the big man down to his knees. Little Rob poses, but Terry gets up with the sign still broken over his neck. He takes it off and freaks out as Robbie E screams and runs from the ring. 

After a commercial break, Kurt Angle is shown at some unknown location, presumed to be the Aces & Eights clubhouse. He enters the house and says he's going to take the fight to the Aces & Eights. 

(5) Bad Influence vs. Bully Ray & Jeff Hardy

The heels control the first part of the match, but after a commercial break Hardy and Bully take the advantage. Hardy uses Bully to hit Poetry in Motion, but they try for it again and Daniels attacks the World Champion from behind. Hardy is the legal man, and the heels keep him trapped in their corner, working him over with quick tags and double team manuevers. 

Hardy finally gets the hot tag to Bully Ray, who cleans house and takes down Daniels with an STO. Kazarian heads up to the top rope, but gets thrown to the ground and then rolled out to the floor. Hardy tags back in and goes up to the top turnbuckle for the Swanton, but Kaz runs around the ring and grabs the foot of the champion. Bad Influence work over the faces in seperate corners with rights and lefts, but Bully tosses Kazarian across the ring and nails him with a big boot. Bully lifts Daniels into the air and connects with an Electric Chair drop, followed by the Swanton Bomb from Hardy off the top rope! 1…2…3. 

Winners: Jeff Hardy & Bully Ray

The camera cuts to the Aces & Eights clubhouse, where Kurt Angle is raising hell, destroying the members with a pipe. He takes out everyone and runs to the back room, where the leader is waiting for him. The two brawl, and Angle smashes a beer bottle over his head. He rips off the mask, and looks shocked. Angle screams "how could you!?" at the leader, but they never show his face as the Aces & Eights recover to beat the hell out of Kurt.