WWE Smackdown Results (2/22) – Randy Orton vs Jack Swagger, Wade Barrett vs Alberto Del Rio

Sandow blocks the hold and shoves him back, then Sandow takes a breather as we cut to a commercial. We get back to see Sandow hit a side Russian leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain, then he follows it with a swinging neckbreaker and a kick to the face. Sandow chokes him with his boot and punches him on the apron, then Sheamus kicks him in the stomach but Sandow slams him on the mat. Sheamus fights out of a side headlock with a headbutt, then he goes for a clothesline but Sandow drop toe holds him into the ropes and goes back to a headlock.

Sandow tries to keep the hold applied but Sheamus breaks his grip, then he whips Sandow into the corner and tackles him before kneeing him in the face. Sandow kicks him in the head and counters a powerslam, then he throws Sheamus in the corner and hits an inverted facebuster for a near fall. Sandow calls for the end and knees him in the face, but Sheamus counters the Terminus and sets up for White Noise. Sandow counters and ducks a Brogue Kick, then he hits the ropes but Sheamus counters a clothesline with White Noise and ends it with a Brogue Kick.

Winner – Sheamus

Layla & Kaitlyn vs Aksana & Tamina Snuka

Aksana and Layla have a dance off and mock each other, then Layla hits Aksana in the back and tags Kaitlyn in the match. Kaitlyn applies a headlock but Aksana throws her outside, then Tamina clotheslines Kaitlyn on the floor while Layla is held back by the ref. Aksana whips Kaitlyn into the corner and slaps her, then Kaitlyn slaps her back so Aksana throws her down. Aksana kicks her and puts her in a grounded headscissors, then she slams Kaitlyn’s head on the mat and kicks her in the face. She hits the ropes but misses a running splash, then they both tag out and Layla knocks Tamina down after a spinning facebuster. Layla kicks her in the stomach and hits a springboard crossbody, but Tamina rolls through and sets up a Samoan drop. Kaitlyn blindtags herself in and hits a spear, then she makes the cover as Layla knocks Aksana on the floor.

Winners – Layla & Kaitlyn