We go back to Sun Life Stadium were Punk says Rock really thinks he is going to save the people, but Punk knows he's better than the people and him. Paul Heyman says Rock isn't better than Punk, but he shouldn't take it personally because Punk is the best in the world. Heyman says Rock wants to have a vision of being a hero and winning the title, but it's just a dream and the era of Prunk means it doesn't matter what he sees. Punk takes off the football jersey and balls it up, then he throws it on the ground and leaves the stadium with Heyman.
The Rock comes out to the ring and says he is finally… home, then he says it's a special night and he wants all of the fans to give a shoutout to Flo Rida in the crowd. Rock says he is back on his show in his hometown, and he is very excited because he wanted to continue the excitement he started on Monday. He says he is disappointed CM Punk didn't show up tonight, and Punk can try to run Miami down but he needs to make something clear. Rock says he started in Miami with guys like Warren Sapp and Ray Lewis, and he learned about hard work and sacrifice right here in his home. Rock says he is going to kick Punk's cookie puss ass and become champion, but that's at the Royal Rumble, so he wants to have fun tonight.
Rhodes Scholars cut him off and Sandow introduces himself to Rock, then he says they are there to correct him because he won't become a champion. Cody says they beat Team Hell No on Monday and put themselves in line to become champions, so they think Rock is stealing their time. Cody says he should leave while he can, then Rock asks if he hears them correctly and makes fun of Cody's mustache. Sandow tries to calm him down and says he's been looking for an apprentice, then he proposes that he asks him three questions and Rock gets the first two right. Rock mocks the duo the entire time, then Sandow tries to ask the Rock a third but the Rock says he has a question for him instead. He asks what happens when you combine a group of minerals with it's lowest form, then Sandow answers 'Rock Bottom', so Rock says exactly and drops both of them with a Rock Bottom.