WWE RAW Results (1/7) – Cena vs Ziggler, TLC Match For WWE Title, The Rock Returns

Antonio Cesaro vs The Great Khali (w/ Hornswoggle & Natalya)

Khali chops Cesaro in the corner a few times to the approval of his friends, then Hornswoggle runs towards Cesaro but he gets caught and runs away. Khali pulls him in the ring and goes for a big boot but Cesaro chopblocks his legs, then he puts him in a legvine and drives his elbow into his knee. Cesaro gets up and walks into a chop, then Khali elbows him in the face and clotheslines him before calling for a chokebomb. Cesaro kicks him in the stomach and stuns him with an uppercut, then he follows up with a springboard uppercut and the Gotch Neutralizer for the win.

Winner – Antonio Cesaro

Paul Heyman is shown taking a phone call when Brad Maddox interrupts him, then Heyman says he thought he made this clear and he wants him gone. Maddox says he won't let him talk to him like that when he could help him, and he says he could ask Vickie to be the referee in the championship match tonight. Heyman says he doesn't want Maddox doing anything tonight and he wants him to go away, so he'd better not cut him off again or he'll make it happen.

Sheamus vs Jinder Mahal

Jinder hits a shoulder block and taunts the crowd, but Sheamus comes back with a shoulder block of his own before stepping on Jinder's back. He rolls outside and regroups with Drew and Slater, then he applies a waistlock but Sheamus makes Jinder grab his butt and Jinder freaks out. Sheamus blocks a kick and and punches him in the face, then he throws him outside and clubs him on the apron before punching Drew in the face. Sheamus clubs Drew and knocks him down, then he whips Jinder into the ropes but Slater distracts him so Jinder kicks him outside. (Cont'd…)