WWE TLC Results (12/16) – New Tag Team #1 Contenders, The Shield’s In-Ring Debut, New Alliances

World Heavyweight Championship (Chairs Match)

Sheamus vs Big Show (c)

Sheamus rushes Big Show in the corner and repeatedly punches him, then he clubs him in the chest and chop blocks his knee. He stomps him a few times but Show shoves him outside, then Sheamus grabs a chair and stomps Show before trying to hit him with it. Show gets away and head towards the barricade, then Sheamus runs at him but Show kicks the chair into Sheamus' face. He chops Sheamus near the barricade and goes for a weapon, but Sheamus blocks it and hits a running shoulder tackle from the apron. Sheamus goes right after him and rolls him inside, then Show hits a quick clothesline but Sheamus fights right back with a flying clothesline. Sheamus grabs a chair so Show runs away, then Sheamus catches up with him and beats him with the chair.

Sheamus picks Show up and powerslams him, then he heads up top with the chair and hits him in the face with it before heading back up top. He jumps off and Show spears him midair, then Show throws him outside and hits him with the chair before chopping him on the stairs. Show rolls him inside and kicks him in the face, then Sheamus reaches for the chair but Show steps on it before picking it up himself and hitting Sheamus. He gets punched a few times but Show knees Sheamus in the face, then he picks him up and headbutts him before throwing him into the turnbuckles, Show keeps it going with a corner splash, then he goes for a chair on the floor but Sheamus runs into him and knocks him on the mat.

They both get up and slug it out in the corner, then Sheamus spears him in the corner, and he follows it with a running knee but Show surprises him with a quick chokeslam. Show goes outside after getting a two count, and he throws a few chairs into the ring and kicks Sheamus in the stomach. Show hits him with a chair before climbing the turnbuckles, then he hits a sitout splash onto the chair to get a two count. Show sets two chairs up and lifts Sheamus by the throat, then he sets up a chokeslam but Sheamus counters with White Noise through the two chairs. He struggles to his feet after the near fall, and he calls for a Brogue Kick but Show avoids it and hits a Knockout Punch for another near fall. Show goes under the ring for more chairs and he pulls out a super sized chair, then winds up and hits Sheamus in the back before making the cover.

Winner – Big Show