WWE TLC Results (12/16) – New Tag Team #1 Contenders, The Shield’s In-Ring Debut, New Alliances

Miz comes out for another episode of Miz TV, and he says his guests are a trainwreck like Brooklyn has never seen, and he brings 3MB down to the ring. 3MB jumps all over the set and dances around a bit, then Miz asks how old they are and says he has a question, but Slater cuts him off. He says they aren't a trainwreck but they are a supergroup, then Miz keeps mocking them and Drew calls Jay-Z an idiot. Slater says the Rolling Stones wish they could rock with them, then he says 3MB will perform live at the Slammys tomorrow, and Miz calls it a 'bathroom break.' Jinder says that's not funny and they harass the Spanish announce team a bit, then Slater says they should listen up and start speaking American.

Drew and Jinder surround them and shove them on the mat, then Ricardo Rodriguez runs out and tries to get them to stop. 3MB shoves him against the ring apron and yells at him, then Alberto Del Rio runs out and makes the save. Alberto backdrops Drew onto the apron and tackles Slater, then the numbers catch up with him and he gets kicked on the ground. 3MB rolls him in the ring but Miz helps fight them off, and he clotheslines Jinder outside while Alberto clotheslines Drew outside. Slater screams at them and tries to regroup, then he challenges Alberto and Miz to find a partner and fight them. Miz says they'll find a partner tonight as the crowd starts a 'We Want Ryder' chant, then he closes it by saying their beating will be awesome. 

Daniel Bryan is with Kane talking about he doesn't know what to expect from Ryback, but Kane tells him not to worry because Ryback gets the job done. He says if Ryback is hungry, they will feed him Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose, and he tells Bryan they will burn The Shield and Bryan starts a YES! chant. Elsewhere, Matt Striker joins Wade Barrett for his comments on his title match, and Wade says he's really confident. Wade says he heard Kofi is a wildcat now and he trouble, but he's going to stop Kofi tonight and become the new Intercontinental Champion.


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