Cena knees him but Dolph ducks a punch and puts him in a sleeperhold, then Cena uses the ladder to pull himself up and he climbs the ladder with Dolph on his back. Dolph finally gets him to fade, and Cena passes out from the sleeperhold but he falls and crashes through the table with Dolph landing next to him. Dolph resets the ladder but Cena closes it, then he press slams Dolph and the ladder over his head and throws it towards the ropes. Dolph gets enough room to stay in the ring, then Cena hits him a few times but Dolph hits the ropes and slams his head on the mat. Cena surprises him with a STF and he gets Dolph to pass out, then Cena picks up the ladder and runs at him but Dolph shoulder tackles him from the apron.
Dolph catches him with a Zig Zag before heading outside, then he brings another table into the ring but Cena hits a sit out side slam and a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Dolph counters with a swinging DDT, then he heads out to the aisle and gets a bigger ladder. Dolph sets it up and starts climbing but Cena heads up the other side, then they slug it out at the top of the apron before Cena headbutts him off the ladder. Cena reaches for the briefcase but Dolph jumps up and hits him, then he pulls Cena off the ladder and punches him in the face. Cena throws him into the corner but Dolph kicks him in the stomach, then he whips him into the ladder and tries to lift him up.
Cena counters with a hurricanrana through the table perched in the corner, then he sets Dolph up on the top turnbuckle and hits him a few times. Dolph headbutts him and jumps off the ropes, but Cena catches him and sets up another AA, only to have Dolph grab a chair and hit him in the back. Dolph moves the broken table as Vickie Guerrero makes her way out, and she grabs a chair but AJ runs out after her and suplexes her. AJ mocks her and hits a Five Knuckle Shuffle, then Cena grabs a ladder and starts climbing up it while AJ skips around the ring. AJ turns on him and tips the ladder over, then Dolph looks shocked in the corner while she smiles and skips back up the ramp. Dolph sets the ladder back up, then he almost effortlessly climbs up the ladder and unhooks the briefcase to win the match.
Winner – Dolph Ziggler
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