WWE TLC Results (12/16) – New Tag Team #1 Contenders, The Shield’s In-Ring Debut, New Alliances

AJ Lee surprises John Cena from behind and says hi to him, and he asks where she got her Cena shirt and jokes she got it in the locker room. AJ says she just wanted to catch him before his match and say thank you, because he has been there for her after all of the hectic times she's been through. Cena tells her to thank him after his match, because it will be worth it when he takes Dolph Ziggler's identity and beats him. She says OK because Dolph and Vickie have put them through hell, then she tells him she can't wait for it and she skips off down the hall.

3MB vs Alberto Del Rio, The Miz & The Brooklyn Brawler 

Slater taunts Brawler on the apron but Alberto kicks him in the corner, then he hits a step up enziguiri and puts him in an armbar. Brawler tags in and punches Slater in the face, then he applies a headlock but Slater sends him into the ropes. Brawler drops him with a shoulder tackle, but Drew tags in and kicks him in the face before suplexing him out of the corner. Drew hits him a few more times but Brawler makes a comeback, then he dives and tags Miz, who kicks Jinder in the stomach before hitting a DDT. Alberto dives on Drew outside while Brawler pulls Slater outside, then Miz drops Jinder with the Skull Crushing Finale and lets Brawler make him tap to the Boston Crab for the win.

Winners – Alberto Del Rio, The Miz & The Brooklyn Brawler

Ladder Match (For The Money In The Bank Briefcase)
John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler

Cena ties up with Dolph and shoves him to the mat, then they lock up again and Cena applies a side headlock but Dolph reverses it. Cena comes back with a corner monkey flip, then he throws Dolph outside and goes for a ladder. Dolph slides in the ring and dropkicks it into him, then swings it at Cena but Cena blocks it and hits him in the face with it. Cena takes him outside and throws him into the broadcast table, then he takes the stairs apart and hits Dolph in the face with them. Cena gets a table from underneath the ring and puts it in the ring, then he sets it up but Dolph snaps his head down on the ropes. Dolph sets up the ladder and starts climbing, but Cena pulls him down and punches him before they trade off on some punches. (Cont'd…)


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