WWE Smackdown Results (12/14) – The Shield Attacks Again, Kofi vs Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus vs Cesaro

Otunga says Booker T won't listen to his own rules, and they have a case so they will have no choice but to take this matter before the board of directors. He says Booker should be removed from his position, then Booker comes out and says Otunga's degree isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Booker says he should understand how contracts are interpreted, and he is not changing his mind and the Chairs Match at TLC is still on. Otunga says Booker's not a legal expert just because he's been to prison, and he is going to make sure both Booker and Sheamus are fired. Otunga says he wants a good reason not to persue this matter, then Sheamus rushes out with a chair and Booker begs him not to do anything.

Sheamus says they shouldn't cancel the match because he'd be allowed to kick Show's arse right now, then he pounds the chair on the mat and waits. Show clears his throat and says the contract is still valid, then he rolls under the ropes and starts heading back up the ramp. Sheamus shakes his head and watches him leave, then he turns around and Brogue Kicks Otunga before playing to the crowd and leaving. Elsewhere, Matt Striker is backstage waiting for an interview with Randy Orton, but we get back from a commercial break to see The Shield beating the crap out of Orton. The repeatedly stomp him in the back and throw him into a table, then they stop the attack and walk away while watching Orton lay there.

Kaitlyn vs Aksana

Kaitlyn sends Aksana into the ropes but Aksana kicks her and takes her down with a hiptoss, then she applies a headlock but Kaitlyn shifts and tries to roll her up. Aksana kicks out and goes back to the headlock, then she grounds Kaitlyn and tightens her grip but Kaitlyn tries breaking it with a side slam. Kaitlyn shoves her into the ropes and kicks her a few times, then she slams her down and hits a back suplex for the win.

Winner – Kaitlyn


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